As customer HVAC and plumbing needs shift with the seasons, so should your business offerings — and your marketing tactics. With the cooler fall season making its way across the country, and the chill of winter not far behind, now is the time for HVAC and plumbing companies to adjust their operations and advertisements to complement upcoming seasonal opportunities.
To boast red-hot sales even as the temperatures drop, check out these fall marketing tips for HVAC and plumbing companies.
What Should HVAC and Plumbing Companies Anticipate this Fall Season?
Depending on the location of your HVAC or plumbing business, the changing of the seasons can have some significant impacts on your operations. For both HVAC and plumbing companies across the U.S., temperature drops and soon-to-be harsh winter weather (and even tropical storms) can create new customer needs that demand updated service offerings from company operators.
Unlike the spring and summer months, when consumers prepare their systems for extensive use ahead, the fall marks the start of winter preparedness and problem mitigation. From equipment tune-ups and replacements to system winterizations, services in the “fall shoulder season” help prevent HVAC and plumbing disasters like frozen pipe bursts and heating system malfunctions.
What Fall HVAC and Plumbing Business Opportunities are Available?
For both HVAC and plumbing companies, the arrival of the cooler fall season means a shift in business opportunities and quality sales processes for your operations. Take a look at the possible service offerings to market to your customers throughout the upcoming chillier months.
Fall HVAC Business Opportunities
Owners and operators of HVAC businesses understand that with the need for cooling slowly dwindling, it’s only a matter of time before those heating questions and concerns begin rolling in. To support both company revenue and customer comfortability throughout the fall and winter seasons, consider marketing these opportunities:
- Vent and ductwork cleaning
- Smart thermostat replacements
- System tune-ups and filter replacements
- Heat pump compressor and coil cleanings
- System assessment and consideration of replacement needs
Fall Plumbing Business Opportunities
On the other hand, if you own and operate a plumbing business that’s also prone to seasonal changes, there are several targeted business opportunities to be aware of this fall. As with preventing HVAC system malfunctions and safety concerns in cold weather, plumbers can market these opportunities to help prevent unwanted situations, including water heater failure:
- Water heater system assessment for replacement needs
- Plumbing pipe inspection for leaks and cracks
- Irrigation system drain and winterization
- Water heating cleaning and tune-ups
- System and piping winterization
Top 5 Fall Marketing Tips to Encourage These Opportunities
With the variety of business opportunities available for both HVAC and plumbing companies in the coming months, all businesses must do is properly market their services to drive fall revenue. Here are the top five marketing tips to promote upcoming fall customer service needs.
1. Advertise Through Social Media
No matter the time of year, one of the most trafficked and reliable marketing avenues is social media. From paid advertisements to live Q&A sessions, HVAC and plumbing company social media is a great way to interact with existing and potential customers and promote your fall services. One of the best places to start with your fall marketing efforts is customer education.
Use your social media presence to educate customers on the importance of preparing their HVAC and plumbing systems for the colder seasons. Explain the safety and performance risks that could impact them. From here, encourage customers to reach out and schedule a service visit to assist in their fall preparations. Consider the use of seasonal pricing promotions to entice customers.
2. Educate Technicians and Encourage Customers Face to Face
When it comes to customer awareness regarding fall HVAC and plumbing needs and risks, your technicians will play a huge role in securing service calls and upsells. As another solid marketing avenue, be sure to gather your technician team and educate them on the major weather-related risks customers face this time of the year, along with the solutions that can prevent them.
With the right knowledge and selling points on hand, technicians can more effectively communicate fall preparedness tips and system concerns with customers when face-to-face in their home or businesses. The ability to explain, promote fall services, and point out any underlying HVAC or plumbing system concerns can provoke customers to move forward with additional maintenance.
3. Inform and Engage Through an Email Newsletter
Due to the wide variety of HVAC and plumbing system concerns and services that come with the changing of the season, trying to lay it all out for customers during a single service visit can be challenging. However, with many customer emails already in hand, why not provide them with these details through an informative newsletter they can read on their own time?
Construct a seasonal newsletter that highlights the importance of fall system maintenance and the steps they can take to avoid any complications once the cold settles in. These steps should outline the various preventive services you can provide alongside any promotional details that can help drive customers to book that next appointment, such as a fall service discount.
4. Incorporate the Use of Print Marketing
Print marketing is a powerful tool when booking customers outside of your existing customer base for fall services. From postcard mailers to residential door hangers, physical advertisements are an excellent medium to inform potential customers about the need for preventive maintenance or upgrades this fall, as well as the solutions you have to offer.
Print marketing is also a great opportunity to better target your desired demographics and streamline operations, as companies can disperse various forms of print media in their targeted operating area. Technicians can even help distribute advertisements while in the field.
5. Promote Extended Warranty Agreements
As you work to secure fall service calls, you also need a solution to secure ongoing customer relationships for the long-run, too. Upon the installation of a new HVAC or plumbing system, companies should offer quality extended warranty services to encourage both customer peace of mind and long-term, profitable customer relationships.
At JB Warranties, we offer premium protection plans with fast claim processes, affordable pricing, and coverage on all leading industry brands. To better protect both you and your customers from unexpected system concerns this fall season, contact us today to learn why JB Warranties should be the extended warranty solution your HVAC or plumbing company offers.

Brian Bohannan
Vice President of Sales at JB Warranties