Whether it’s a new residential development, an under-construction commercial storefront, or even an old-fashioned property flip, all major plumbing projects share one thing in common: the need for effective project management. Every seasoned contractor will tell you that robust plumbing project management is the key to seamless completion, satisfied customers, and superior contracts.
Hey there, plumbing and HVAC professionals! Welcome back to another JB Warranties Monthly Round-Up, the blog post where we share some of the hottest industry topics, events, and news from over the past month. In case you missed it, June kicked off the summer season, signaling busier times ahead for HVAC and plumbing professionals as that summer heat begins to roll in.
Between water heater installations, pipework replacements, and ever-present toilet blockages, it can seem like the routine service calls for your plumbing business are just that — routine. Even the plumbing industry itself can begin to feel stagnant due to the sheer number of service requests that fall under the same category. But did you know an entire suite of new plumbing technologies exists?
One of the more common barriers plumbing companies face when looking to grow their operations and increase daily revenue is the burden of hiring skilled plumbers. Failing to hire and retain enough skilled plumbers long-term will not only prevent your business from increasing daily workload (and revenue) but also make it substantially more difficult to meet your existing customer demand.
The majority of trade businesses rely on experienced dispatchers to maintain consistent, efficient technician and customer management — and HVAC and plumbing companies are no exception. With many of these day-to-day management tasks unfolding behind the scenes, it’s important for you to utilize dispatch services to streamline operations, increase technician efficiency and delivery times, and of course, grow your revenue.
Welcome back, HVAC and plumbing experts! It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through 2023! Like your operations, the HVAC industry has seen an influx of events, news, and hot topics! With the summer heat fast approaching, the HVAC industry can expect those service calls to begin rolling in.
In today’s plumbing market, it’s not surprising that many professionals have encountered a higher demand for tankless hot water heater solutions. In 2021, the global tankless water heater market size was valued at $6.3 billion — and, get this, the market size is expected to almost double by 2031 to reach a projected value of over $12.3 billion! That's impressive growth.
Did you know that 85% of the U.S. has hard water? From South Florida to South Dakota, there are numerous hard water regions where plumbers must navigate water softener maintenance and installation requests daily. These customers rely on water softeners to reduce the natural mineral levels in their home’s hard water supply and avoid risky scale build-up in pipes, reduced water pressure, and additional negative impacts on the lifespan of their plumbing appliances.
Do you know what's lurking in your tap water? From microplastics to lead, the pollutants that can be found in everyday tap water range from alarming to downright concerning. Fortunately, there’s a way to protect yourself and your family from this invisible danger — a water filtration system. A quality water filtration system can provide numerous benefits—not only do these wise investments provide clean, great-tasting drinking water on demand, but they also reduce or eliminate many common water contaminants and the need for buying expensive single-use plastic bottles.
Any service professional must keep up with emerging customer trends and demands — and HVAC and plumbing professionals are no exception! In today’s HVAC and plumbing market, consumers are searching for sustainable, eco-friendly services, such as solar power integration, that’ll help them reduce their negative impact on the earth’s environment and natural resources.